Make your next event extra magical with Fairy Freeze! Let us bring the sweet summer snow to your next event. We specialize in birthdays, weddings, corporate bookings, HOAs, PTA fundraiser events and more!
Event Pricing Info:
We generally charge by the hour and number of servings anticipated. We can generate approximately 60 servings an hour with a single shaver service. For an additional fee, we can run a second shaver and increase our serving rate to near 100/hr.
Contact for specific pricing and availability.
Email: for booking!
Or use the contact form in the menu above
PTA / Neighborhood Events
Send us a message via our contact form. We love partnering with neighborhood organizations and school PTAs for fundraising / community events. We can work with the above mentioned pricing schedule for unlimited serving parties, or we can set up to sell at a per-unit rate (with profit sharing) for fundraisers and other events. The choice is yours and the structure is flexible. Send us a message at the above link, or at, we cant wait to hear from your organization!